I had coke and peaches for breakfast.
Do you ever feel like right when things in life start to be going great, something has to ruin it for you? WELL!
Last friday I was unwell, and took the day off TAFE, which was not ideal, but was necessary. The day went pretty well, save for a few family tussles. Then Saturday morning is when I really starting feeling shit on.
Australia had an election on Saturday to decide who was going to be running the country for the next three years, and I had planned a day in the city with my 'special friend' Casey. We were gonna chack out all the latest exhibitions, chill in the park, get some chinese fo lunch, and go to the Royal Botanic Gardens, because I wanted to do some work for TAFE involving the camellia garden. So I thought, no biggie, just get out there early (8am) and get votin', get to the train and get to the city. Dad was happy with this, as he had to take smallest bro-bro to his soccer game. So we go out to the local primary school where they have the voting booths, and the line was sixty miles long (meaning there wouldn't be enough time for dad to vote, drop me at the station, then go back and pick up little bro to get him to his game on time). So he had the idea to take me to a different school, one within walking distance to the station.
So we get to the school, I get out of the car head towards the voting area place thingy and suddenly realise that I LEFT MY BAG IN THE CAR. Call dad to see how far he has gone, and he's about half way there already. if he should turn back now, brodah would miss the start of his game. Not cool. So, whatever. I have my wallet, my phone and my iPod with me, I dont really need anything else. Oh, except for my book that i was gonna do my TAFE work in, the primary basis of the trip to the city.
Feeling grumpy, I headed to the station anyhow, because I have plenty of time to do the assignment, and we could still enjoy a nice day in the city. and besides, I was looking forward to a nice long train ride.
Mother. Fucking. Trackwork.
"Buses replace trains from 2am Saturday - 2am Monday."
So I called Casey to tell her the bad news.. luckily her mother was working today, in Randwick, 15 mins from the city and offered us a lift in. So, jump on a bus to Casey's and chill there till it was time to leave. by then it was about 10:30, however, and half of the proposed day had melted away.
We had a lovely drive into the city, roughly an hour. Jumped on a bus when we got to Randwick, to Circular Quay.
We had a jolly stroll over to the MCA and saw some lovely art, and by the time we were out it was nearly 1pm. Lunch time. We skipped the long walk around to the Art Gallery of NSW, and headed straight for China Town. There was a guy playing half a drum kit and some bottles of water outside of the food court. he sounded pretty good. We had lunch, then Casey insisted we get some Asian photos. I was reluctant but we went anyways. they were occupied, awwww (yesssssssssssssssssssssss *pumps fist*). So we went around the corner to some card place. bought some cards, went to paddys down stairs, nothing interesting. then we went to General Pants Co. To look at dresses. Not for me. Then went to Allans Musiiiccc and looked around, and as we were leaving decided to grab a guitar strap (it's fucking purple OMG). by now it was about 3pm, we were thirsty. We went to a convenience store where casey bought pepsi and 3 billion dollars worth of gum. I got tonic water. Then we went to the busses and caught one back to Randwick. No, sorry, HALF WAY back to randwick because casey panicked and thought it was our stop.
SO, i didnt get to do half the things I wanted, which bummed me out. But I guess I still had a good day with Casey-cakes. Some other shit happened that I don't feel like discussing, and the rest of the weeked was pretty tape.
Also, after all that trouble that voting caused, parliament is hung (meaning the big parties have to suck up to the independent seats to gain majority and win). WHAT A WASTE.
anywho, I'm off to school to visit some old teachies. And to see my best friend.
Adios, blog-daddies.
EDITED: didn't end up going to school. Staying home to do TAFE work instead. Life is funny that way.
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