Monday, May 31, 2010


Good day all, pleasure to make your acquaintance. Please let me introduce myself.

My name is Angus Jones. I yam 18 years old and currently unemployed. I enjoy things. I don't much enjoy other things. Such is the way of the teenager. Music is my game, science is my forté. My aim is to teach you things about me, bore you with anecdotes and generally just be amazingly average. I'm told that people on the interwebz enjoy this kind of thing.

To Explain the title, Xenon Ray is my online Identity, sooo.. that's me. Space Ambience is basically how I imagine the inside of a brain looking to an outsider. not literally of course.. but I like the idea that the human mind is as limitless as the universe.

So, as the days, weeks, months and years progress I shall detail my tiny insignificant speck of an existence and post other funnies, pictures, suggestions, questions, answers and philosophical conundrums for your amusement.
And mine.

I reallly hope you enjoy my.. whatever this is. l8rz G's.

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