there is no substitute for love. you can try, but you will always fail. ALWAYS.
Eight days ago i posted a blog. too much has happened since to be recounted successfully and thoroughly, so i will put key words in list form, chronologically.
Tuesday: can't remember
Wednesday: cleaning, washing, pokemon, world cup.
Thursday: same as Wed, + weeds. Nice conversation with samantha :)
Friday: more cleaning, more weeds, party, lovely people, new friends, old friends, BBQ, alcohol, slight disappointment, unreal tournament.
Saturday/Sunday: cleaning, soccer, potatoes on sticks, square with Kate, donation, panic (Kate's panic, not mine), rushed goodbye, chance glimpse of an acquaintance, party, dancing, alcohol, chance meeting with previously mentioned aquaintace, firendships rekindled/made (drunkenly), more alcohol, more dancing, Mayday Parade at the top of our lungs, no sleep, seedyness, headaches, forced breakfast, bit of sleep, home to shower, more sleep, more seedyness, relaxed lunch at a friends, best dessert EVER, more sleep, ridiculous illegal directions from restaurant, 21st dinner at Altitude1183, discussion over whther it was in feet or metres, clarification from waitress (nice looking girl), great steak, great cheesecake, weeds, more sleep.
Monday: cleaning, weeds, much appreciated information about TAFE from father, good mood, Pepsi max + sugar = pepsi geyser, hacky sack, throwing a ball back and forth for an hour, M&M's run, good game and misfits, more weeds.
and that brings me to today. nothing has happened worth noting today. and i promise to be more consistent in the future with my posts. I don't eve know if you care if i do or not.
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