Monday, August 16, 2010

Back From The Dead

Hola Blogamigos!

If you read blogs, you know it can very upsetting for people to not post for a long time, or be inconsistent with their posts. Even though I yam probably not that popular by internet blogging standards, I still feel like not blogging has let at least SOMEONE down, and I guess I let myself down a little. I lost motivation, it shan't happen again. I promise to post a blog at least every monday, as well as if something interesting happens during the week.

So, to fill you in:

I started TAFE (technical college) about a month ago, studying Horticulture, certificate II. I love gardening and plants and it seemed like the way my life needed to go, and it is GREAT! Absolutely amazing. There is stuff to learn about weeding, bush/natural area regeneration, recognising and identifying plants, learning how to prune and plant ornamental shrubs and trees, treating diseases, turf management, how to operate machinery, and of course basic OH&S standards and procedures. They even teach you the best ways to get into the industry once we are finished learning.

Of course, there is a down side. Assignments. Not fun at all. except the maintaining a garden bed one, thats pretty awesome. other than that, it's really good. the people are nice, I've made some friends in my class, I'm feeling pretty good about the whole thing.

The second awesome thing thats been happening lately is that I have been spending lots and lots of time with friends over the past couple of months. It really does lift your sprits and make you a better, happier, brighter person. All of my friends who are reading, there is no end to how much you guys mean to me. you are all amazing human beings (I wouldn't be friends with you if you weren't) and I hope that our relationships with each other never falter, and never cease.

The third excitingly awesome, (and probably the most important for me at this juncture) is that I yam no longer single. as of Tuesday the 10th of August 2010, I have myself a beautiful girlfriend named Casey. I wont get all sappy and gaga over it, I just wanted to share, because it looks really really promising and I yam a happy boy for it.

So with the power of these events combined, I yam the happiest I have been in a long long time, and now all i need is a job so i can have money and start having a real life ^__^

Also, in the near future I WILL start doing some video blogs (Ruby if you see this, it is a promise).

Hasta luego peepskies!

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