There are many things in life.
Some bring us joy, some sorrow.
Of the many things that bring us joy, we tend to remember the ones that bring sorrow more readily. Why is it that things that are sad or frightening are those that stick with us? Is it because we need to be reminded of our mistakes, so our brains do it for us subconsciously? Or is it because we are a generally depressed as a species?
What about memories of those lost? Why is it that the good times, when we look back on them, make us sad? Is it our minds telling us not to get our hopes up? Or is it because we realise those will be the only memories, for no more will ever be made?
Why does music sometimes make us feel good? Nostalgia? The lyrics? The music itself? Is it a combination of these things? Why does some music trigger more, or better memories than others?
Why do we cry? We do react to certain situations sobbing and weeping? is it just left over from when we were babies and it was our way to communicate our distress to our parents? I read somewhere once that there is no such thing as happy crying, we cry when we are happy because of all the negative connotations with the event. At a wedding, for example, we may cry not because we are happy for the bride and groom, but because there is a slight chance that we may never be that happy. I don't know how much truth is in that, but it's certainly possible.
These are just some things I think about sometimes. Too be honest though, I don't necessarily want to know the answers. I like to question things, and somehow I think knowing would ruin it for me. It would take away the mystery. The phantom of ourselves, that keeps us wary. It's healthy to ask questions. Don't you think?
Thats all :) maybe I will be a bit less melancholy next post. I'm not unhappy, though. far from it.
So anyways, till next time, amigos. xx
Clarence sent me a letter. It simply said "I am."
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