There's no time like the present.
Over the last couple of days I have been playing baby sitter to my younger brothers, both sick. It doesn't give me much hope for my health in the near future, but hey, what are brothers for? The duties carry on into tomorrow. Woopee do.
Yesterday we my bro bro and I) spent the day at my grandparents house. I like to visit them every now and again to let them know they are not forgotten. And also because my grandfather isn't as agile as he once was, and gets me to do jobs for him. which is good, gives me something to do and gets me out of the house. He's gets his jobs done, I get a free lunch and money. Everyone's happy.
No really i just like to go to visit cause they are my grandparents and I love them. so it's always a day well spent.
This particular visit, I was put to work on the chicken house. the aim of the exercise was to raise it out of the mud so the wooden frame would last longer, by placing it on a foundation of bricks. First task was to move the chicken house. We attempted to move it without the chickens escaping. Which failed, obviously. One brave pecker tried almost escaped over the fence. Ten minutes was spent coaxing it down, then another Ten herding them back into their little house. after this I dug a little trench for the bricks to go it, then lay the bricks and fill in the dirt around to keep it firm. THEN place more bricks around on top of those ones. I KNOW YOU DON'T CARE BUT I HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO WRITE ABOUT. And besides, I was fun and I wanted to share my joy with you. ^_^
So then we had lunch (lemon and chive salmon with assorted vegetables) after which I went around the front yard and collected kindling for our fireplace, and we were dropped home. Violence ensued.
I don't know what it is about brothers, but their soul purpose seems to be to get on each others nerves. We love each other, yeah, but that doesn't stop us from tearing at each others throats from time to time.
So I returned to the mundanity of my life and sat on facebook for most of the afternoon, had some lovely chats and such, watched TV, played Unreal Tournament and read my book (Shutter Island - AMAZING read btw) and slipped soundly to sleep at around two in the morning.
WAKING 10 hours later to a syncronised coughing fit, I was startled to find not one sick brother, but TWO sick brothers taking up the lounge and disturbing the peace. Violence ensued.
We decided to have a screen free day, as my littlest brothers eyes are looking as if he is housing a demon. we tried 'chatting' and 'drawing' and 'reading'.
Violence ensued.
SO we went back to our screens. I manned the computer, little bro took up the DS and middle bro pounced on the Xbox.. and peace was restored.
This evening, I took my bi-weekly trip to Macarthur Square - the local 'hangout' which is really just a large shopping centre, WHICH I'm sure if you're reading this you know already but lets just assume, for arguments sake, that someone who isn't looking at my blog through friend-induced pity is reading and has no fucking idea what the fucking 'square' is - to find a nice jumper which I can wear with a collared shirt, so I can look fancy when I want. David Jones let me down something rotten, not for lack of suitable apparel, but in the way of price. there was such an awesome sweater vest but it cost WAY too much. so I trumped staunchily over to Man To Man and found the perfect cut, perfect colour, ON SALE without my size.
So I gave up and bought Pokémon SoulSilver instead. I think it was worth it. I also ran into some lovely people which I usually do at the square so it was a nice clincher to my day.
If you have made it this far, kudos. I certainly wouldn't of read all of this.
I might add that my friend Sam suggested that i put some of my HILARIOUS jokes in my blog, but I winged to her about context, to which she replied, "It's your blog, who said it has to have context?"
I was the one who said it had to have context, but since this is being discussed I will post for you the joke in question, as it indeed does now have some context.
And here it is, for your amusement (or not):
"Dude, I think I'm Kakorrhaphiophobic."
"That's morbid fear of failure, right?"
"..... You pronounced It wrong."
So thats the events of my past couple of days.
I'm so glad you read this and I look forward to blogging for you in the near future!! I love the support!! You interwebz people are my life!! I love you so much thank you thank you xoxoxoxoxox mwah Darlings!!
FUCKING LOL that's a joke I'm not that desperate for attention.
Until next blog reader. (assuming there is even the one of you.)
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